Category Archives: Oral Health

What to do when you can’t clean your teeth.

Are you busy running the kids to events?  Do you have back-to-back meetings scheduled?  Does your mouth feel stale? Or, can you feel something stuck between your back teeth?  Do you wish you could get away to brush your teeth?  Some days we just don’t have the opportunity or the facilities to stop and properly take care of cleaning our teeth. Here are some tips for days like these: Drink water or chew sugar free gum. It’s not ideal, but water and sugar free gum can help hydrate your mouth and clear out debris. Carry a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste. They […]

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Set Healthy Limits on Juice

Juice is high in sugar and calories; water and milk are always the best options for your children. In fact, if your child is under one year of age, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests completely removing juice from his or her diet. Children ages 1-6 should have no more than 4-6 oz. of juice each day, according to pediatric guidelines. Children ages 7 to 18 should drink no more than 8-12 oz. (Many juice boxes are about 6 oz. in size, so younger children should have no more than one per day, and older children no more than two.) Allowing your child […]

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Nail Biting and Your Oral Heath

Nail biting not only affects the appearance of your nails, but can chip, crack, or break your teeth. It can even cause jaw problems. The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), reported that people who bite their nails are at increased risk for bruxism, or tooth grinding. Of course, don’t forget your hands and nails are a host for germs and bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli which can be easily transferred into the body through nail biting. The following tips can help you break the habit to protect your teeth and overall health. Keep your nails trimmed short. Apply something with a bitter-taste to […]

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What Is the Best Time to Clean Between Your Teeth—Before or After Brushing?

The most important take home message about cleaning between your teeth is to do it. As long as you do a thorough job, it does not matter if you floss first or brush first. Pick a time of day when you can devote an extra couple of minutes to your dental care. People who are too tired at the end of the day may benefit from cleaning between their teeth first thing in the morning or after lunch. Others might like to go to bed with a clean mouth. And don’t forget, children need to clean between their teeth too! […]

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Six ways to prevent tooth decay in children

Care, don’t share Don’t share utensils with your child or “clean” a pacifier by putting it in your mouth. You can transfer cavity-causing germs to your child. Eat healthy and drink fluoridated water Get fruits and vegetables into your diet. First dental visit no later than age 1 Your child’s baby teeth are at risk for decay as soon as they first appear—which is typically around age six months. Seal out decay Ask your dentist about applying dental sealants to chewing surfaces of teeth. Use fluoride toothpaste as soon as teeth come through the gums. Most children age 6 and under […]

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