Do missing teeth make it difficult or even impossible for you to enjoy your favorite foods?
Do you miss biting into a juicy apple? Are you afraid to eat steak because you can’t chew it well enough to swallow without choking? If you have suffered tooth loss, or if you have severely damaged or decayed teeth, it can make eating very difficult. In some cases, entire food groups, such as raw fruits and vegetables, may be off limits. Relief and enjoyment are possible. Yahara Dental offers a variety of options that can improve your oral health and enable you to eat a wide range of foods. Dr. Thor Anderson can even replace your existing dentures with […]
Why are my jaws sore when I wake up?
When you wake up is your jaw sore or do you have a headache? You may be bruxing, which is clenching or grinding your teeth while sleeping. Aside from the discomfort, this condition can cause your enamel to wear down causing sensitivity and greater risk for decay, cracked teeth, or even damage to existing dental fillings, crowns, or bridges. At Yahara Dental, Dr. Thor Anderson will assess the problem and may recommend a custom mouthguard which is molded to your smile. As you sleep, your teeth will be protected from the impact of grinding, and you will wake up feeling […]
What foods are good for my teeth?
Living in the dairy state, we are proud to recommend these teeth friendly foods: Cheese A study published in the journal of the American Academy of General Dentistry reported that eating cheese raised the pH in the subjects’ mouths and lowered their risk of tooth decay. It’s thought that the chewing required to eat cheese increases saliva in the mouth. Cheese also contains calcium and protein, nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel. Yogurt Like cheese, yogurt is high in calcium and protein, which makes it a good pick for the strength and health of your teeth. The probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, […]